Our pictures

This section is for our members' work. We range from highly experienced photographers to those who are relatively new to photography. Maybe seeing some of their work and this diversity will help you decide to come along and join us.

Club members should read the guidelines for submission.

Annual Exhibtion 2023

Our 2023 Exhibition is held at The Kaleidoscope Gallery, Sevenoaks, with the kind permission of the Sevenoaks Visual Arts Forum. As well as the Exhibition photos we have also been able to display about three dozen prints taken by Club members in 2022-23 for the Darent Valley Community Rail Partnership.

Darent Valley project 2022-23

Over 2022-23 we undertook - in association with Darent Valley Community Rail Partnership - a project to create New Pictures of the Darent Valley. This produced an exhibition in May 2023 and the whole project has been shortlisted for the national 2024 Community Rail Awards.

Club Platinum Jubilee Photobook 2022

2022 was not just a 70th anniversary for The Queen, it also marks 70 years since the creation of Sevenoaks Camera Club. To celebrate this we have created a photobook using members' pictures. Many thanks to Susan Wilkinson for all her efforts in making the book.

You can see a short preview of the book on the Blurb website. If you wish to buy one it is selling at cost price. It should also be available at Sevenoaks Bookshop.

We sent a copy of the book to Her Majesty in August, and received a nice acknowledgement via a Lady in Waiting, dated just four days before the sad death of Her Majesty.

Club outings and workshops

We try to organise a few informal outings and workshops to complement our regular meetings. You can see photos of some of the events here.

Members' pages on this website

On this site we have some members' photos. The following list gives the member's name with a very brief description of them photographically. Clicking on the name will take you to their page of this site.

Links to members' own websites

These links are to individual members' personal sites. The sites will open in a new browser window, and neither content nor maintenance are the responsibility of the Club.

Photographing the renovation of Bat & Ball Station 2018-2019

In 2018 and 2019 volunteers from the Club recorded the renovation of the original Victorian railway terminus for Sevenoaks. We have a short summary of our Bat & Ball project, including a few of the 1500+ photographs taken and a downloadable project review of what for us and Sevenoaks Town Council was an important and rewarding project. There is also a link to the photobook produced of the work.