Earlier programme archive

Meetings for the 2011 - 2012 season
Date Meeting Speaker / judge
5 Sept 2011 History of Photography at The Times Paul Sanders, Picture Editor
12 Sept Portrait of a Photographic Archive Flora Smith FRSA, TopFoto
19 Sept (3rd Monday) No meeting  
26 Sept 1st Projected image competition Bob Webzell ARPS AFIAP
3 Oct Field techniques in nature photography Robert Canis
10 Oct 1st Print competition John Hill LRPS
17 Oct (3rd Monday) No meeting unless confirmed here  
24 Oct Audio-visual training evening  
7 Nov 2nd Projected image competition Ian Brash
14 Nov Is this the printer of your disc content? An On-Line Paper company talk by Clive Tanner
21 Nov (3rd Monday) No meeting unless confirmed here  
28 Nov 2nd Print competition Stephen Carroll ARPS
5 Dec An evening with Patricia Patricia Jones FRPS MPAGB APAGB EFIAP
12 Dec Christmas social  
9 Jan 2012 Team Challenge competition: ‘Angles’ Glyn Bareham LRPS CPAGB
16 Jan (3rd Monday) No meeting unless confirmed here  
23 Jan 3rd Projected image competition Andy Smith
30 Jan Image manipulation competition  
6 Feb cancelled due to bad weather
13 Feb 3rd Print competition Ray Bridges LRPS CPAGB ADPS
20 Feb (3rd Monday) Audio visual competition  
27 Feb 4th Projected image competition Malcolm Dilloway CPAGB
5 Mar The darkroom and beyond Tom Dodd FRPS FIPF
12 Mar Panel competition Chris Shore FRPS MPAGB EFIAP BPE4*
19 Mar (3rd Monday) Take & make great photos Gavin Hoey
26 Mar 4th Print competition David Hall
2 April Five minutes of glory Club members talk about their own work
14 April (Saturday) Annual Dinner  
16 April (3rd Monday) Themed competition for digital projected images: ‘A day at the beach ’ Chris Parry
23 April Digital projected image final Paul Adams DPAGB
30 April Print final Nenne van Dijk FRPS DPAGB
14 May Annual General Meeting  
28 May Social & presentation of awards