Membership & subscriptions

Club membership works out at about £2 per meeting (£1 an hour!) which to our members seems pretty good value for a mixture of education, entertainment and socialising.

Club membership is open to anyone. We see and treat you as an individual sharing with us interests in some aspect(s) of photography, not as someone with particular characteristics or beliefs.

As well as the social side of meeting and talking with other enthusiasts, a key benefit of our meetings is seeing a wide variety of work, whether ‘competitively’ or not. This helps us all by seeing some of the things that are possible, and giving us new ideas for our own pictures.

New members

New members are very welcome and if you would like to come along and try us out for a few meetings before deciding to join, please feel free to do so. (We do ask that you join before entering our competitions.)

We are keen to help beginners and the more expert amongst us are always available to give helpful advice. One of our newer members outlined some of the benefits he had gained from membership in a short talk at the Club and has then written about his experiences in further years.

There is no great formality about joining. A simple membership form is available at meetings or on the Downloads page of this site via the menu. (The Club's data protection and safeguarding policies, plus other useful documents, can also be found on that page.) And there is the relevant subscription - details are on the membership form of amounts and how to pay.

Annual subscriptions:

For the 2023 to 2024 season:

These are due on joining, but if you join after Christmas you only pay half the annual rate for that season.

There is no entry fee to the standard meetings in the programme. We just ask you to sign in as you enter the hall so that we have a record of attendees for health and safety/insurance purposes.


The Club has adopted a Safeguarding Policy, mainly covering children and vulnerable adults but also mentioning all members' responsibilities for using our Google and Flickr social media. It gives some guidelines for different Club activities and the procedure to be adopted in the event of a safeguarding issue arising. You can find the full text of the safeguarding policy on our Downloads page.