Competition results archive

Competition results for 2018 - 2019
First projected digital image (“PDI”) competition
1st: Great crested grebe with chick by Sheila Sargeant
2nd: Spring blossom by Sue McMahon
3rd: Winter's walk by Alison Brent-Hopper
Imagination: Twiglets by Patricia Jones EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
First print competition
1st: Spring by Sheila Sargeant
2nd & Imagination: Tate Modern by Peter Humphrey FRPS
3rd: Burrowing owl courtship by Sheila Sargeant
Second PDI competition
1st: Buzz off by Peter Humphrey FRPS
2nd: View to Bamburgh late afternoon by Terry Lee
3rd: ZR020 by Paul s'Jacob
Imagination: Time for wine by Sue White
Second print competition
1st: Thistle Time by Sheila Sargeant
2nd: Misty Mull by Peter Dillon
3rd: Harvest Mouse Amid The Wheat by Ron Harding
Imagination: Making Waves by Janice Harding
Challenge competition: “Contrast”
Winner: Nuts about seeds by Greta Gardner, Mike Robinson, Rob Weighill
Third PDI competition: theme “Water”
1st: Fledgling osprey's first sea encounter by Sheila Sargeant
2nd: Venice reflections by Mary Hogarth
3rd: Bathtime by Peter Humphrey FRPS
Imagination: Frozen in time by Sheila Sargeant
Third print competition
1st: Nature Study by Sheila Sargeant
2nd: Burrowing Owlet watching Green Blowfly by Sheila Sargeant
3rd & Imagination: Day-break by Patricia Jones EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
Individual print panel competition
Winner: Travels in the Kingdom of Bhutan by David Barker
2nd: Frost Patterns on a 6ft square tin roof by Patricia Jones EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
3rd: Bloomberg's European Headquarters by Peter Humphrey FRPS
Imagination: London Welcomes the US president by Derek Medhurst
Fourth PDI competition
1st: Margate by Terry Lee
2nd: Breakfast for the little owl owlets by David Barker
3rd: Morning mist by Peter Dillon
Imagination: Old and new glass, Canterbury Cathedral by Derek Medhurst
Fourth print competition
1st & Imagination: Nature Study 2 by Sheila Sargeant
2nd: Solitude by David Barker
3rd: City Lines by Peter Humphrey FRPS

Results of the Finals 2018-19
BEST PICTURES OF THE YEAR (judged at the Competition Finals)

Projected Digital Images

1st: Fledgling osprey's first sea encounter by Sheila Sargeant
2nd: View to Dunstanburgh late afternoon by Terry Lee
3rd & Imagination: Ultramarine, the deep blue sea of the Mediterranean near Capri by Joselyne Horne


1st: White Ibis by Sheila Sargeant
2nd: Lighting up the Sky by Patricia Jones EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
3rd: Pleasure Boats, Myanmar by Brian Tabor
Imagination: Making Waves by Janice Harding
Hignly Commended:-
No Diving or Jumping by Derek Griffin
Blackpool from the North Pier by Mike Robinson

Annual Exhibition Summer 2019

Visitors' Choice, from prints only

1st equal: Don't ask me, I don't know either by Paul s'Jacob
1st equal: Harvest Mouse Amid the Wheat by Ron Harding
3rd: Ice Cracker by Greta Gardner