Earlier programme archive

Regular meetings for the 2009 - 2010 season
Date Meeting Speaker / Judge
7 Sept 2009 Illustrated talk: A year in photography Patricia Jones FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
14 Sept Photoshop Tips & techniques Gavin Hoey
28 Sept 1st Digital projected image competition Richard Walton FRPS AFIAP MPAGB BPE3*
5 Oct Club night: (1) Richard Pitcairn-Knowles
(2) Improving competition images
Club members
12 Oct 1st Print competition Keith Evans FRPS DPAGB
26 Oct Plant photography - telling the story Adrian Davies
2 Nov 2nd Digital projected image competition Chris Shore FRPS EFIAP MPAGB BPE4*
9 Nov Judging - your right to reply Roy Carey FRPS DPAGB APAGB BPE2*
23 Nov 2nd Print competition Paul Adams DPAGB
30 Nov Club night: (1) Kate Radcliffe
(2) Advanced AV tutorial
Club members
7 Dec 3rd Digital projected image competition Frank Page LRPS LMPA
14 Dec Christmas social
4 Jan 2010 Print panel competition Lizabeth Boud
18 Jan Club night: (1) Michael Sasse
(2) Digital print manipulation
Club members
25 Jan 3rd Print competition Glyn Bareham LRPS CPAGB
1 Feb Digital themes Ray Bridges LRPS CPAGB
8 Feb 4th Digital projected image competition John Wigmore FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
22 Feb Club night: AV competition
1 Mar 4th Print competition Stephen Carroll ARPS
8 Mar A passion for pixels Irene Froy FRPS EFIAP MPAGB HonPAGB BPE4*
22 Mar Digital projected image finals Clive Tanner FRPS
29 Mar The Pantanal Wetlands of Brazil David Plummer
12 Apr Print finals & Slide competition Paul Adams DPAGB
17 Apr (Sat) Annual Dinner
10 May Social and presentation of awards

Any additional & '3rd Monday' meetings will be shown here if they are arranged (small entry fee usually payable for these).

Monday 18 January 2010: The meeting scheduled for 11 January was cancelled due to bad weather and will now be held on 18th.

We also take part in a number of external competitions and exhibitions, and details can be found on the separate External Events page

* Very occasionally something crops up that prevents a guest from attending, such as illness or bad weather, and we have to put on an alternative topic. So we cannot absolutely guarantee these meetings will be as indicated - although changes tend to be VERY few and far between. Our visitors make tremendous efforts to get to us - perhaps because the vast majority are volunteers and have a passion for their photography and for sharing it.