External successes

This page shows some of our members' successes achieved in photo contests organised by outside organisations, eg, KCPA and PAGB events.

2017 KCPA Annual Print and PDI Competition

2016 KCPA Diamond Jubilee Competition

2016 KCPA Annual Print and PDI Competition

2016 PAGB Inter-Federation competitions

The following pictures were selected by the KCPA to represent them in the 2016 PAGB Inter-Federation competitions.

Acceptances in international exhibitions

Some Club members enter their photos personally into competitions/exhibitions of international standing. Those we know of who have achieved “acceptances” in 2016 are:

Stereo photography exhibitions

Member Derek Medhurst has also been taking stereo photographs for a while and in late 2015 started entering a few in international stereo exhibitions. (These are submitted personally, not via Sevenoaks Camera Club.) He has been pleasantly surprised by some successes, including the following awards.