Competition results archive

Results of the Finals 2010-11
BEST PICTURES OF THE YEAR (judged at the Competition Finals)
1st: In the pink by Sheila Sargeant
2nd: Watching waiting by Sheila Sargeant
3rd: Wisdom by Karen Hilson
Imagination: Nearly done by Bill Manser
1st: The quest by Derek Medhurst
2nd: Come fly with me by Patricia Jones FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
3rd: Juvenile great spotted woodpecker by Sheila Sargeant
Imagination: Lloyds of London escalators by Mark Charrington

Results of the Club Annual Exhibition June 2011
2011 CLUB PRINT EXHIBITION RESULTS (shown at Sevenoaks Library)
Best print: Come fly with me by Patricia Jones FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
Imagination award: The quest by Derek Medhurst
Visitors' Choice: Early morning frost on windows by John Long

Other competition results for 2010 - 2011
First projected digital image competition
1st: Sea flight by Susan Wilkinson
2nd: The great organ, Bath Abbey by Duncan Dwinell
3rd: Avocets mating by Kate Radcliffe LRPS DPAGB
Imagination: Grass Track Racing by John Long
First print competition
1st: Red kites by Patricia Jones FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
2nd: The quest by Derek Medhurst
3rd: Eilean Donan castle by Peter Gray
Imagination: Pink cosmos in bud by Patricia Jones FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
Second projected digital image competition
1st: John Henry by John Long
2nd: Sky painting the Red Arrows by Mark Charrington
3rd: Common Blue damselfly by Kate Radcliffe LRPS DPAGB
Imagination: The Empress's new clothes by Derek Medhurst
Second print competition
1st: Nuthatch by Sheila Sargeant
2nd: Small Skipper pair by Kate Radcliffe LRPS DPAGB
3rd: On Reflection by Sheila Sargeant
Imagination: The Bench, East Beach, Littlehampton by John Long
Challenge competition - “Portrait of a garden ”
Winner: Pashley Manor by Mark Charrington, Mary Grant and Colin Symes
Runner-up: Japanese garden by Janet Austin, Denise Barrett and John Long
Third projected digital image competition
1st: Watching waiting by Sheila Sargeant
2nd: Spotted on safari by Sheila Sargeant
3rd &Imagination: Liberté by Karen Hilson
Third print competition
1st: Come fly with me by Patricia Jones FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
2nd: Juvenile great spotted woodpecker by Sheila Sargeant
3rd: The race by Mark Charrington
Imagination: Opulence at Chatsworth by Susan Wilkinson
Fourth projected digital image competition
1st: In the pink by Sheila Sargeant
2nd: Oriental beauty by Sue McMahon
3rd: Canoeing in Lake Chandos, Ontario, Canada by Mark Charrington
Imagination: Frost on the window at dawn by John Long
Audio visual (“AV ”) competition
Winner: Floral fantasy by Bill Manser
Print panel competition
1st: Fragments of Moore by Patricia Jones FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
2nd: Frosted windows by John Long
3rd: A week in the Dales, February 2010 by Patricia Jones FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
Highly Commended: In or out by Sue McMahon
Theme competition: “wet ”
1st: Impact by Patricia Jones FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
2nd: Raindrops keep falling on my head by Sheila Sargeant
3rd: The ultimate recycle by Bill Manser
Imagination: Fountain fantasy by Mary Grant
Fourth print competition
1st: On the prowl by Sheila Sargeant
2nd: Smoking chimneys by Patricia Jones FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
3rd: Winter landscape in Skye, looking towards Glenaig by Peter Gray
Imagination: Cat racing by John Long