Earlier programme archive

Regular meetings for the 2007 - 2008 season
Date Meeting Speaker / Judge
3 Sept 2007 Illustrated talk Patricia Jones FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGB
10 Sept Digital AV - Mr Jones's Dissolvent Views Mike Jones
24 Sept Club Night our own club members
1 Oct 1st Print Competition Chris Shore FRPS EFIAP MPAGB BPE4*
8 Oct Illustrated talk & discussion The Tonbridge Print Makers
22 Oct 1st projected Image Competition Chris Coates
29 Oct Illustrated talk - Bob's Best of the Year Robert Canis ARPS
5 Nov 2nd Print Competition Roger Force FRPS APAGB
12 Nov Club Night our own club members
26 Nov 2nd Projected Image Competition Peter Tulloch ARPS
3 Dec Illustrated talk - Galapagos Islands Brian Huson
10 Dec Christmas Social  
7 Jan 2008 3rd Print Competition Keith Evans FRPS DPAGB
14 Jan Club Night our own club members
28 Jan 3rd Projected Image Competition Paul Adams DPAGB
4 Feb Illustrated talk - As I See It Richard Walton FRPS AFIAP MPAGB BPE3*
11 Feb Print Panel Competition Martin Faiers
25 Feb Club Night our own club members
3 Mar Illustrated talk - Divine Light Clive Tanner FRPS
10 Mar 4th Print Competition Richard Walton FRPS AFIAP MPAGB BPE3*
31 Mar 4th Projected Image Competition Frank page LRPS LMPA
7 April Challenge Competition Glyn Bareham LRPS CPAGB
14 April Annual General Meeting  
19 April (Sat) Annual Dinner (further details available later at the Club)
28 April Print & Projected Image Finals John Wigmore FRPS EFIAP
12 May Social & Presentation of Awards