Our Annual Exhibition is from 14 to 24 August 2024 at Sevenoaks Kaleidoscope Gallery

Welcome to Sevenoaks Camera Club's web site

We aim to encourage photography and to help our members to make or simply enjoy better pictures. We are photographers of all abilities, from relative beginners to very experienced, from around Sevenoaks. We hope you will join us and you're welcome to try out a few meetings before deciding to become a member.

A member moving away from the area has recently summed up her time with the Club:

"I have had real pleasure being amongst you all on my journey into photography. Being part of Sevenoaks Camera Club has been a very inspirational time over the past 11 years. I have engaged with you all in different aspects of the Club's activities and you have taught me SO much including an appreciation of the creative and technical skills involved in photography."

Another opportunity to read a little more detail about what you can gain from membership can be found in articles by Bryan Rawlins, when he was one of our newer members: some first season experiences and then learnings in his following seasons.

Our activities

We have about 25 meetings a year, between September and May. Typically our programme includes:

We try to organise a few informal group outings and workshops, and aim to have an annual exhibition when members have the opportunity to show their photo to the public.

One member summed up her involvement:

"I have enjoyed participating in the various competitions, exhibitions and panel making ... I have gained so much from the workshops ... a great group experience for all to enjoy together. Participating in 'Show and Tell' presentations up front was also great fun. The most outstanding part of my time at the Club has to be in working alongside others in teamwork, creating Panels. I have found this to be so creative and inspiring through shared ideas and input. Above all it has converted what can sometimes feel quite intense into a great 'Quest For Fun'!"

Your next steps

Have a look at these pages, and we hope they encourage you to join us. You do not have to join immediately - you are welcome to attend a few meetings to try us out before deciding to join. (But we do ask that you join please before entering any pictures in our competitions.) If you want further information, feel free to mail us from the Contact Us page.

We look forward to welcoming you!